If you are with your spouse, wife, partner, family, friend(s), colleagues at work… • Tense and loaded silence.• Meaningless chitchat mutate into a passionate trivial discussion.• Shouting on your kid just because he asked for something.• Loud noises in the…
21st century’s parenting style: My kid, My Master!
“Talk to the hand!” “Are you kidding me?” “Seriously mom?!!” Can you tell exactly at which moment, age, hour, minute you switched roles? when your kid became the parent and you the child? When their look translated into: “Poor thing!…
Why we text instead of calling ?
We text instead of calling because: It takes less time It puts a respectable distance between your space and any other human being It’s devoid of emotions. It keeps emotions at bay. It’s more fun: We can be polite while…
The Coffee shop syndrome: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly/ Coffee addicts, Show-off slouches, or Advertising mob?
Meet the couch potatoes who slouch back on comfortable seats knowing they’ll be there for hours. From the way they ask for their beverage in a bored I’m- your- everyday- customer- you- should- know- me- by- now to the panoramic…
Discovering Yoga / The cornelian dilemma
When we are still in our twenties, we embrace yoga because of our beliefs, philosophy, perception, culture etc… or because we want to try a new trend, our BFF (best friend forever) assured us that it’s the “It” thing to…
Lebanon – The Awakening
Finally, after decades of bending our necks, dropping our shoulders and morphing into “mops” for our prestigious leaders (sic)!!!!???, most of the Lebanese have experienced a case of acute revulsion and “fed upism” to the tears of being squeezed to…
The Love/Hate relationship between women and…the Sun
Why are we so bent on capturing every ray of sunlight every second of the day till after sundown? Does young rhyme with Dumb and Dumber? Is becoming almost black- bronzed a sacred goal of youth? Despite all health warnings,…
Open Letter to Cancer
To all forms of cancer, lungs, ovary, breast, bone, skin, leukemia, lymphoma and the likes. Dear killer, assassin, murderer….. I am fed up with you! I hate you…we hate you so much. We, as in we, human beings, babies, kids,…
Middle age and compromise- The GREY area (literally)
It’s always on your birthday that you become philosophical You’ve got a full day to face your mortality, sins, handicaps, shortcomings, and failures…. All in a negative way! Why? Because it’s one of those rare days when you’re not running forward,…
Middle age and Menopause – Menopause and family.
The Menopause hum began years ago when you started paying attention to your mom and her friends whispering about periods stopping, mood swings, acquaintances getting into hysterics… It was very hush hush, mixed with commiserating, knowing looks and an air…