To be or not to be. We’re always trying to outsmart time and laws, thinking that we’re faster than anyone else, in a continual race against all reason, logic and simple math. We always think that we can steal that…
Texting & driving

To be or not to be. We’re always trying to outsmart time and laws, thinking that we’re faster than anyone else, in a continual race against all reason, logic and simple math. We always think that we can steal that…
Friend or nemesis? This age-old dilemma between mothers and daughters starts in our teens. The love/hate relationship, the irritation, impatience, bad temper and unnecessary hurtful retorts we keep on showering them with will recede, as we grow older but the…
Let’s start with the first time you felt “middle aged”.You went shopping at a very fashionable youngish shop. The sales girl (your kids’ age of course) starts by giving you the Maaam here and Maaam there then she takes you…
“Hit” is the word since middle age hits you with the same impact as a hurricane, tornado or cyclone….It engulfs you and knocks you out! Dizzy, shocked, bereft of words to describe the feelings that suffocate your mind and weakens…
Way before they get their own mobiles or devices, kids are awestruck, lost for words, filled with wonder whenever they get near a mobile or an ipad…The first moment we put it in front of their eyes, we lose them…for…
We are in love more than ever with our mobile and… ourselves ! It’s become our first love, unique love most of the time, the most trusted friend and, the only one we can rely on with our deepest secrets, confidences,…
Standing on the roadside, waiting for a taxi in Beirut? In seconds 3 or 4 cabs make pirouettes to get to you regardless of traffic, other drivers, cars, horns… and the winner almost sweeps a passerby to get to you.…
At 40 + choose the granny look, the wannabe-my-daughter or your own elegant look? Are you sticking with trends of yesteryear? Wearing clothes that fit you in outdated ways? Short hemlines and high waist with a belt to show off your…