Do you want to have the time of your life, forget your worries, eradicate stress and… discuss metaphysical issues, religion, God, the Universe, Star Wars, Death, superheroes, princesses etc…? Very simple! play or listen to your kids, grand kids, other kids for a moment without the distraction of your mobile or other electronic device.
Questions and answers are so direct, candid, earth chattering, crude and truthful, you are left speechless, shocked, laughing hysterically or hugging them very hard.
For a moment your reality disappears and you morph into theirs. No lies, no niceties, no fake smiles or empty compliments. You get what you see, you perceive their feelings, inner thoughts and their very unique and personalized vision of the world.
I will share with you from time to time their “pearls”-perles as they say in French- to help you get a glimpse at the small treasures we might miss in our very busy, stressed and hectic life.
If you have any humorous interlude of your own, you can PM (send a message by messenger) me or comment directly.